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UN Women


UN Women is the UN organization delivering programmes, policies and standards that uphold women’s human rights and ensure that every woman and girl lives up to her full potential.

Image of UN Women

A note about Social Media: We encourage you to try and use social media platforms that are open sourced and decentralized (like BlueSky or Mastodon). This is a link to a starter pack of organizations that are currently on BlueSky.

Rosie the Riveter flexing her right arm.

What Is Your Organization Suggesting?

The following are actions straight from the UN Women website.

Outline of two hands overlap to make a heart.


We didn't find volunteer opportunities with UN Women. But it's worth checking their site periodically because things are changing quickly! You can also use Volunteer Match to check if your chosen cause or organization has volunteer openings or memberships.

VolunteerMatch believes that volunteering can change lives – starting with yours. When we connect with our communities and each other through service we can find our passion and purpose, build camaraderie and hope, and experience joy and gratitude.

Mobilize is your go-to destination for people-powered movements. We provide nonprofits, labor unions, political campaigns, and grassroots organizers the tech needed to create a more just, inclusive, and democratic world.

A pen and a pencil are crossed, similar to skull and crossbones. Symbols of arrows and eyes surround them.

Learning / Education

It's important to actively learn about the issues you are passionate about. Consider taking a class, read a book, or do a project that will immerse yourself into your cause.

We didn't find any specific educational resources on the UN Women website. But it's worth checking their site periodically because things are changing quickly!

The following are some general examples of the types of courses and books you could look for.

Next Step

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