Text reads 'Recover'. Illustration of a potted plate being watered by rain drops.


Remember to take care of your mental, physical, and spiritual health. We're in this for the long haul, make sure to recharge your batteries! The following are some examples, but by all means, do whatever works best for you.

When you are ready, make sure to complete this cycle!

Neon light of a social media like count at zero.

How and Why You Should Take Social Media Breaks

Social media can have many benefits, but sometimes you just need a break. This blog offers some tips on how to step away.

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A sheet of paper propped up against a window with the words 'Mindfulness' written on it.

Mindfulness Activities

There are many mindfulness activities available for children, teens, and adults that can relieve stress and help you be more present in the moment.

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Two women doing lunges on a foot bridge.

Find a Fitness Routine

Starting a fitness program may be one of the best things for health. Physical activity can lower the risk of diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.

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A person sitting on the floor, with a paintbrush in hand, painting a sheet of paper.

Make art for your mental health

Art can be helpful in a healthcare setting, whether it's prescribed therapy, something you participate in for fun or part of the environment around you.

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A dimly lit room with a bed.

Make Sure You're Getting Good Sleep

There's so much more to sleep than just the number of hours you get each night. How much do you know?

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Two video game controllers being held up in front of a TV with a soccer game on.

Find a game that helps you destress

From puzzlers and driving sims to power washing and Tetris.

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A man sitting cross-legged on a rock, meditating.

Try meditation or a meditation app

If you’ve decided to give meditation a shot, congratulations! You’ve also decided to improve your sleep, lower your blood pressure, increase your marital harmony and reduce your stress.

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You have completed a cycle! Once your batteries are recharged, let's do it again.

Go to Step 1!

A trophy cup with a repeat symbol.