Banner reads 'DEIA Statement'. The banner includes an illustration showing various icons denoting diversity, inclusion, equity, and accessibility.

DEIA Statement

The Resistance Toolkit is committed to creating a resource that is diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible. Our mission is to foster a community that is passionate about fighting hate. We've always known the hate has been there, but it has now become emboldened and brazen in its actions.

Just because our project has set this as a goal, it doesn't mean we've achieved it. We are always looking for ways to include more voices to our chorus regardless of their:

as long as they are committed to fighting hate.

This is an ongoing process, and we are always looking to improve. If you have any feedback or suggestions on how we can improve the diversity, equity, inclusion, or accessibility of this project, please visit our GitHub repository and create an issue.

Create An Issue On GitHub