Lutheran Serices In America
What Is Your Organization Suggesting?
Contact Your Representatives
Make your voice heard! Write to or call your representatives at the local, state, and national level. Urge them to take up your cause, or call them out on stances you disagree with. Every email, letter, or message is counted and is an important indicator that your cause is important to their constituents.
Resistbot is a chatbot that turns your texts into faxes, postal mail, or emails to your representatives in minutes.
Send the word RESIST to Resistbot on Apple Messages, Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, or by text to 50409 and answer the questions texted back.
In minutes, you’ll have contacted Congress or your other elected officials. Make your letter open for maximum effect.
Find Your Elected Officials has a tool to to find your Federal, State, and Local officials, just enter your address. They provide a physical address, phone numbers, and social media accounts for every elected official.
We didn't find volunteer opportunities with Lutheran Serices In America. But you can use these resources to check if your chosen cause or organization has volunteer openings or memberships.
VolunteerMatch believes that volunteering can change lives – starting with yours. When we connect with our communities and each other through service we can find our passion and purpose, build camaraderie and hope, and experience joy and gratitude.
Volunteer as a Poll Worker
Poll workers are essential to ensure elections are a success. During each election, millions of Americans dedicate themselves to sustaining the backbone of democracy - our election process.
Register to Vote
Register or check your registration status and find out what issues are on your ballot.
Vote Like A Beast
Analyze Where You Are Spending Your Money
For better, or for worse, some companies and politicians only seem to respond to boycotts or an increase in sales. So wield your purchasing power carefully!
Find companies who align with your cause and support them.
Find companies that don't support your cause and spend your money at alternative companies.
Goods Unite Us
Search for a company and see their politics. Do some research and spend your money wisely!
![Screenshot of a dashboard showing breakdowns and graphs of donations a company has made.](/_astro/GoodsUniteUs.d2rsqWKH_IVo2i.webp)
Open Secrets
Look up a politician to see who is funding their campaign. Look up a company to see who and where they are making donations to.
![Screenshot of a dashboard showing who has been donating to a politician.](/_astro/OS.Dn169Dm1_Z1VtkTI.webp)
Learning / Education
It's important to actively learn about the issues you are passionate about. Consider taking a class, read a book, or do a project that will immerse yourself into your cause.
The following are just a few examples of the types of courses and books you should look for.
- WebAIM Accessibility Training Courses
Online Courses, Certifications
Books (Physical and Audio)